*for the complete list of co-sponsors, see below!
Warheads to Windmills webinar: May 7, 4pm EDT
Climate catastrophe and nuclear war are two existential threats that could end human civilization as we know it. Both of these threats have been exacerbated by the ongoing war in Ukraine, but nuclear war could happen at any moment, whether on purpose or by accident. And global carbon emissions continue to rise despite all the many efforts to reduce them.
How do we convince the general public to take these threats more seriously? How do we get politicians to address these threats with the urgency and boldness they require? Can we be more effective working together, for instance in pushing for divestment from both fossil fuels and nuclear weapons?
This webinar aims to bring together some of the leading organizations and activists working on these two crucially important issues to discuss how we can better collaborate and coordinate our efforts to save the planet from these existential threats before it is too late. There will be break-out rooms to help us connect to some of the campaigns that are already ongoing.
Note: Each video below starts with the speaker listed, even though they all appear to look the same)
4:00 Welcomes and introduction – Susan Mirsky
4:05 Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis the Poor Peoples Campaign will introduce the urgency of addressing climate change and nuclear weapons within the context of crushing inequalities, the scourge of racism and so many other pressing issues that need to be addressed.
4:10 Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton of DC will introduce her 2023 Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Conversion Bill (on video), introduced by Ellen Thomas, WILPF
4:15 Timmon Wallis of NuclearBan.US will introduce the 2023 summary report: Warheads to Windmills: Preventing Climate Catastrophe and Nuclear War (with slides)
4:20 Medea Benjamin of CodePink on how the Ukraine war and rising tensions with Russia and China are increasing the risks of nuclear war and undermining international collaboration to address the climate crisis
4:25 Natalie Mebane of Greenpeace on the need for climate and anti-nuclear activists to work together to address these two existential threats
4:30 Roundtable discussion on how we can better collaborate and coordinate efforts to address these two issues and the links between them, featuring:
Ivana Hughes, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and Susan Theberge, Climate Action Now
as facilitators.
Round one (15 mins) – reflections on collaboration in addressing these two issues:
Kevin Martin, President, Peace Action
David Swanson, Executive Director, World Beyond War
Jill Stein, Green Party
Round two, (10 mins) – how are your organizations addressing both these issues?
Christian Ciobanu, Reverse the Trend
Nicholas Mele, Pax Christi
Alex Rafalowicz, Fossil Fuel Treaty
Round three, (5 mins) – briefly describing the breakout room you are leading:
Jim Rine, Veterans for Peace
Jackie Cabasso, Mayors for Peace
Joe Hodgkin, MD, Back from the Brink
5:00 Break-out Rooms giving participants an opportunity to speak, ask questions and discuss some of the on-going and proposed projects that focus on addressing these two existential threats.
Room 1a: Continuation of the discussion in the main room (Nuke groups) – Ivana Hughes and Medea Benjamin (notes: Rosalie Anders)
Room 1: Collaboration between peace and climate groups – Susan Theberge and Natalie Mebane
Room 2: People Over Pentagon – Jonathan King
(notes: Kathie Malley-Morrison)
Room 3: Pressuring the Profiteers – Vicki Elson (notes: Nick Mottern)
Room 4: Lobbying Congress to support Norton bill – Timmon Wallis (notes: Ellen Thomas)
Room 5: Campaign for a Nuclear Weapons and Climate Commission in Mass – Kathleen Hamill (notes:Lynne Hall)
Room 6: Mayors for Peace and other efforts at municipal level – Jackie Cabasso (notes: )
Room 7: National Back from the Brink campaign – Joe Hodgkin (Notes: Frances Jeffries)
Room 8: VFP Climate Crisis and Militarism project – Jim Rine (notes: Louise Colman)
Room 9: Nonviolent Direct Action and Plowshares Movement – Patrick O’Neil (Notes: Steve Dear)
5:30 Concluding session – Vicki Elson and end of the webinar at 5:35
This webinar is being co-sponsored by: