Presidential Race

This is a Red state that voted for Trump in 2016 and is likely to vote for him again in 2020. Trump won this state by 300,000 votes, but more than 1.6 million eligible South Carolina voters did not vote in that election, or more than five times the number that could have changed the outcome in that election.

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If you live in South Carolina, your vote may not be enough to overturn a strong Republican majority, but with a President who is refusing to commit himself to abide by the election results, every vote counts in this election, even here in South Carolina.

Register to vote:

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Vote by mail:

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Vote in person:

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And your vote for Senator in this state could be even more important…

Senate Race

Jaime Harrison is running for Senate against Republican incumbent, Lindsey Graham. This is a crucial Senate seat for Democrats to win in order to re-take control of the Senate and enable a Biden administration to pass legislation opposed by current Republican Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell.

After being critical of Donald Trump at the start of his Presidency, Lindsey Graham has become one of the President’s most outspoken cheerleaders. Whatever South Carolinians may think of Lindsey Graham himself, the bottom line is that this election is not about him, but about Mitch McConnell and his stranglehold on the US Senate. Unless we vote out Republican Senators like Lindsey Graham, we will have four more years of a “do nothing” Senate that blocks all attempts at legislation by a Democratic President and a Democratic House of Representatives.

We must do better than that. A vote for Jaime Harrison is a vote for survival!

AND, you can help win this state for all of us by encouraging a friend, relative, colleague, former neighbor, or somebody else you know to vote, and to vote for our survival, at this election.

Click here for more ideas and help in convincing a friend or relative to vote.

House Races

The best we can hope for in 2020 at the Presidential and Senate levels is to get rid of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell so that we will at least survive the next four years. But in the medium term, we need to elect politicians who support the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, the Nuclear Ban Treaty and other real, sustainable solutions to the global threats facing us all.

Luckily, we already have over 100 such politicians in the House of Representatives. We need to make sure they get re-elected, and we need to elect more of them!

There are currently no progressive candidates running for the House of Representatives in this state.