Building Political Support for the TPNW

Building Political Support for the Nuclear Ban Treaty  in Congress and at state and local levels   Zoom event: Saturday, April 24, 2021 10:30am-12:45 EDT Click here for Registration Click here for list of Co-sponsors Click here for list of break-out rooms Program  10:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Global Support for the Nuclear Ban Treaty  Beatrice Fihn,…

New Director Appointed

The Board of NuclearBan.US is very happy to announce the appointment of Asha Asokan as the new Director of NuclearBan.US. Asha holds a Bachelor’s in Law (LLB) from Mahatma Gandhi University, India, and a Master’s degree in International Human Rights Law (LLM) from CUSAT, India. She worked for Nonviolent Peaceforce, implementing civilian protection and peacebuilding projects…

Peace Bills at the MA State House

THIS SATURDAY, March 27, 2021 11am-1pm on zoom Please join State Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa, State Senator Jo Comerford and other members of the Massachusetts state legislature, who will be talking about their peace and nuclear weapons bills and how you can support them! To register and for more information, click here  

Outlawing everything to do with nuclear weapons

published in Pressenza, Nov 19, 2020: Outlawing Everything To Do With Nuclear Weapons The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) outlaws the use of nuclear weapons. But that is not what makes this treaty so important. Indeed, many would argue that any conceivable use of nuclear weapons would inevitably violate the fundamental principles of…


The historic United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is nearing entry into force as international law. The response of the Trump administration, according to a new report by the Associated Press, is a letter to the countries that have already ratified the treaty, asking them to withdraw. Such interference in a United Nations disarmament treaty…